My Happy Place

My Happy Place

I am not used to this “having paid leave” thing, much less knowing what to do when I take time off! Today is my last day of a five day weekend. It’s funny, when you book time off, people ask you where you are going. Last year I went away for a night to prep for the launch of Bloggers and Bacon, and while I thought about doing the same again, and kind of wanted to, I had other things I wanted to put my money towards.


My Happy Place


I haven’t done anything much. Partially because I was off sick half of last week with the flu (yep, a blood test confirmed it, I got the flu in the middle of freaking summer), I just didn’t have anything big planned. I also prefer to do things “off season”, aka NOT in school holidays. So in the end, I’ve been at home. Mostly, I’ve hidden in the air con because Brisbane humidity literally sucks sweaty balls at this time of year, and I’ve been binge-watching Stargate. My happy place. It’s the show that I grew up watching for ten years. It’s formative for me. It’s not a perfect show, but by the dogs I love it. I love the length of time it was on because the characters become part of your life, you feel the changes that happen. If you know Stargate, you know that the first 8 seasons are very different from the last 2 seasons. But it’s the same show. But it’s entirely different. But it’s not a spin off.


My Happy Place


(Speaking of spin offs, I still can’t watch SGU because of how they mock “hotter and younger” in 200. I remember the character casting call sheets being posted on Gateworld and it was what they had mocked. I tried to watch the SGU pilot but didn’t even make it the whole way through it.)


It’s my happy place because it was my escape for bad periods of my life. It’s my happy place because the characters feel like family to me after ten years. It’s my happy place from all the fun,


The massive highs and the confusing lows that come with being a fan for life make the show a part of your life. And teach you about life.


Overall, I love that I can still get swept away by the show when I watch it.


What’s your happy place? Do you have a show that you grew up with?


8 Replies to “My Happy Place”

  1. I too thought about doing many things, but relaxed on the couch! Sometimes you need it!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I’m not good at doing nothing, but given that it was still school holidays and my area can be touristy, it was the best choice. Will plan future breaks when no one is around, I think!

  2. Sorry to hear you were sick during your holidays. My happy place is the beach and we just spent the weekend camping on the beach. It was amazing!

    1. I live by the beach so that’s just a given for me and being happy 🙂

    1. You know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the original series – just the movies from the …90s?

  3. My happy place is the gym at the moment as it’s been my only escape from my crazy life/situation at the moment and it’s too far to drive to the beach! lol…

  4. Fancy getting sick for your time off. I don’t normally watch TV but we signed up for the free Netflix while hubby was on holidays and I kind of fell down the rabbit hole with a couple of TV series. Not sure I’m game to share which ones. Back to my no TV living now and finding I’m far more productive.

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