Lazy Bed Day

Yesterday I stayed in bed all day. For once, not because I was sick! I just decided that I didn’t want to change out of pyjamas & staying in bed was a great excuse to do that.

So I sat around, watched mindless tv, came up with the idea for 4 books, wrote, blogged, pinterested (is that a word?), tweeted & generally did nothing.

Yes, 4 books. Goes to show what relaxing does for you – lets ideas flow in!! Who knows what will make it all the way as a book & what will make it into a blog series or nowhere at all, but the ideas came to me, so I let them out & just wrote what came to me.

As if I don’t have enough issues trying to finish the one main book I have on the go!

Let alone many, many years worth of half-completed NaNoWriMo stories.

Day job, who needs a day job?

Also, I cooked. I wanted chicken burgers for lunch but we didn’t have any bread. So I just cooked & it turned into some sort of goopy chicken mess. Still tasted ok, but the eggs were a bit too runny for me.


I guess my biggest outcome this weekend was realising I need to take this & my travel blog from to if I’m going to sell my own books. Big step.

What did you do on your weekend?

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