It’s funny, I started writing this blog with the tag line “A journey towards positive choices and weight loss” and I’m not sure I’ve really blogged about either!!
These two things are very close to me though.
Positive thinking:
I can be a fairly cynical & sarcastic person. I always have been. I don’t have a problem with that, but I do think that cynicism in particular is (or should be!) just our way of venting, not our way of believing & thinking. I suppose here is where I should say that I’m doing great with positive thinking, because that would be positive thinking. I think I’m doing a lot better than a year ago. I don’t have any way of measuring that, but I feel like I know myself better & I’m noticing when I’m down in the dumps. I’ve found that noticing is key, because it allows you to do a quick “why” and “what can I do to change this” …and even if you can’t think of answers to those two things, at least you’ve thought about something else for a few minutes.
Weight loss:
I was asked the other day at work if I had lost weight. I said I actually thought I had put some on. The blunt reply to this part is that I haven’t done any exercise in months. I’m active & busy on the weekends, sure, but I haven’t actually done any “work outs”. Time & motivation to exercise is something I think I will struggle with for as long as I lose 15 hours a week in commuting. Is that a valid excuse? To be honest, I don’t care. Commuting is something I don’t like doing, it saps my energy & excuse or not, it has a negative effect on me.
Where to from here: exercise is key going forwards.
Will I blog about it? I’m not sure.
Will I actually exercise? I need to…
Is saying “stay tuned” too annoying? Yes? Oh, I won’t say it then.
But what I’ve found since starting this blog in February 2012 is that I really love blogging. I can talk about it day and night. Usually only to those “in the know”, because quite frankly I get bored explaining what a blog is to random strangers.
How has your blog changed since it started?