I think it’s fair to say that this week is the biggest week of the Australian blogging calendar. 500+ bloggers, two full official days and all the overwhelm that comes with it.
Last year was my first ProBlogger Conference and I ended up with a case of ProBloggeritis. It’s totally a thing. You can diagnose ProBloggeritis by the symptoms:
- Brain leaking out of your ears from information overwhelm.
- Star struck-ed-ness when you see your favourite blogger.
- Learning the name of a blogger, then immediately forgetting it.
- The urge to hide in the corner because you can’t find anyone you recognise.
I would say the urge to hide is the probably the most common. In light of that, I have the following suggestions:
- Realise you’re having a “holy crap I’m scared I can’t find anyone I know” moment.
- Tweet your need for
companionshipa friendly face with the hashtag #ImInACorner (or, failing that #AAAH) - Hope that someone finds you.
- Realise that in a room full of 500+ bloggers, the only way you’ll be found by a hashtag rescuer is by cartwheeling.
- Realise equally that in a room full of 500+ bloggers, there’s no room to cartwheel.
- Tweet again, this time using only the #AAAH hashtag.
- Realise that you know the person next to you.
Will I see you LATER THIS WEEK (OMG IT’S FINALLY HERE)? What weird thing have you done in person to embarrass yourself recently?
The Laugh Link members are:
Emily from Have a Laugh on Me | Kimberley from Melbourne Mum | Alison from Talking Frankly | Vanessa from 26 Years and Counting (aka me!)
Did something funny happen over the weekend? Old or new, funny ha-ha or any other kind of funny? Link up below!
Well Vanessa at least you know what you’re in for. I have no idea. I’ll have to start psyching myself up this week to prepare myself. I’m looking forward to meeting you 🙂
It’s pretty awesome. Last year I ran into two people as soon as I walked into QT, then I had to go back down because my door keycard wasn’t working, and ran into another! It’s pretty cool to just walk into a place filled with bloggers!
Oh so jealous! Have a blast, try to stay away from corners and I hope to see you at next year’s conference:)
I’m sure I’ll be tweeting a lot if you’re following along from home!
LOL it’s funny isn’t it, how we are all afraid of the same things. I bet this will be me next year. I’m sure you’ll have a blast and look forward to hearing your PB stories!
The corners are you friends haha
Just act like a boss and OWN IT girl! See you soon!
OWN IT but then try to find people in the crowds…eek! See you Thursday, I’m sure!
I’ve been to the last two and ‘mostly’ enjoyed them… but have to admit the blogging thing I enjoyed most was a Nuffnang Blogopolis in 2012 – perhaps smaller, more personal or something!
I always feel like such a small fish in such a big pond at PBEvent and both times I’ve left feeling equally hopeful and disenfranchised – if that makes sense!
It’s a big mix, really. I felt both inspired and like the worlds biggest beginner last year.
#ImInACorner… too funny! Have a great time at PB 🙂
It may become totally valid!
Meanwhile, a clutch of us will be moping this week at home, hoping that someone has the courage to start a #whoneedsproblogger hashtag.
Have a blast.
Yep, that was me in 2012! Only we had a not at pbevent Friday night twitter party that was pretty cool. Can’t remember what hashtag we used though. People should do it again!
I shit myself enough going to the Dorel blogger breakfast at the pbc expo in june and there were only about 15 of us there! Everyone was lovely and I soon got over my nerves but I think 500+ people would test my anxiety A LOT. Hence why I was too scared to go to pb this year!
It’s certainly busy!
This is kind of why I’m not going. I’d love to go, mainly to meet people in person, but I know I’d just end up in a corner. And it’s a lot of money to pay to sit in a corner. Maybe they should make that cart-wheeling thing compulsory? Hope you have a great time. x
I’m not too bad at meeting people (not good, but I’m sure there’s worse) but last year it really was just spying a face in the sea that was the hard part.
Haha…I’m so envious though…in spite of all the nerves, I’m sure you will all have a great time. Last year I was quite anxious I must admit but it was nice to realise you knew some bloggers… 🙂