Be My Guest: Julia Sagaga from Detour Ahead

Be My Guest Julia Sagaga Detour Ahead

I’m so happy to be bringing back my weekly interview series: Be My Guest. It has been too long since I interviewed people and I miss finding out about new bloggers.


Today I’m welcoming a new blogger, Julie Sagaga from Detour Ahead.


What Do You Love About Your Life?

This is a surprisingly hard question to answer. I don’t want to be cliche and say, “my family”, but that’s probably it. I love that we are all so crazily mismatched! My husband and I couldn’t be more different from one another and it has made life interesting to say the least. When I say interesting, I mean, stressful, fun, crazy, busy, confusing, happy, adventurous and all those things. I love that we have two boys who are also poles apart in everything from personality and ability to physical traits. So I guess in saying all that I am saying that I love the variety in our lives, that we all learn from each other in different ways and we are all free to be who we are and still come together to make a pretty awesome family team.


Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

To get to the other side…because there was an awesome shop there with a thing that she just had to have!!


Be My Guest Julia Sagaga Detour Ahead


If A Lemon Walked Up To You and Tossed You A Chicken, What Would The Elephant Say To The Giraffe?

One lump or two?


Julia Sagaga from Detour Ahead
Julia & Remy


What’s Your Advice For Humanity?

Love yourself and then you can love others and then the world would be a much nicer place to be.


Flog Your Blog!

My blog is for families who are caring for a person with a disability. I want it to be a place where we can all come together and feel a little bit of “normal”, laugh and cry and support each other through these crazy unexpected times. Detour Ahead is about the journey we’re all taking that wasn’t quite part of the plan to begin with.


Thanks for being interviewed, Julia. And best of luck with your blogging journey!


If you’d like to be interviewed for Be My Guest, drop me an email: vanessa@normalness.comĀ 

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