My Biggest Strengths

My Biggest Strengths

There’s a certain amount of irony in today’s prompt for I Must Confess… I wanted to write from this morning but I’ve had a bit of a crappy day (bank issues, bad sinus pain, “mild” food poisoning). Which brings me to…


My Biggest Strengths


It’s hard to write when you feel a bit crappy. But I guess that was the first clue. I have to say resilience. Or crap-catcher, as I was thinking earlier while being sick.


My Biggest Strengths


Along with resilience, I know I can adapt to change. I’ve certainly done it a lot in my life.


I know that those are two very big things that are good to be good at. But I guess what feels invisible about them is that you only get good at them via experience. And not by good experiences. I know, I’ve taken a positive post and turned it negative. Blame it on a sick & crappy day, maybe.


Or maybe I would think of more positive aspects to myself if I hadn’t had a crappy day!


What are you biggest strengths?


Linking up with My Home Truths for I Must Confess & The MultiTasking Woman for Mummy Mondays.

5 Replies to “My Biggest Strengths”

  1. Being a fellow resilient person I definitely understand your point that it’s not positive experiences that lead you to develop that strength. I hope you wake up feeling a lot better tomorrow – thanks for working through your crap day and linking up x

  2. It is a shame that resilience is only built by negative experiences. I hope that you are feeling better soon xx

  3. Flexibility and resilience will get you a long way, Ness. Hope you feel better today 🙂 I have no strengths I can think of. Passion, maybe…

  4. Hmm…resilience. I’m not sure if I’m overly resilient, I mean, compared to other people I know who have been through far worse. My strength is definitely determination and ambition, I have a dream, an idea and just go for it.

  5. You’re about the third person I have read that has listed resilience as one of their biggest strengths which is so wonderful. As someone who has worked with children for a long time it does scare me a little how non-resilient children are becoming and I’m not really sure how you teach that.
    I think my compassion for others and my kindness are probably my greatest strengths, but it was recently pointed out to me that these can also be weaknesses (especially when you are interviewing for your dream job and then they tell you you haven’t gotten it) 🙁

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