Thanks Sammie. They’re some Frankie4’s I scored on sale last year. I’ve actually had a few problems with them but they’re still really comfy. It’s confusing when that happens to shoes haha – do I like them or not?!
Cute idea…and we need to be much more grateful for feet. I have photographed my hands with the idea of writing about why I am grateful for them.. I am yet to write the post! You made me think I need to do so. Cheers, Denyse
I did some dance classes in maybe year 1? I don’t know haha. Not much otherwise I wold remember it, I’m sure. I do walk wonky – my shoes wear down on some sides more than others. I was thinking only a few days ago I should talk to a podiatrist …but one more thing for a to-do list…pfft right now haha.
Oh the stories our feet can tell – if only we’d let them! What a quirky and thought provoking movie!
Thanks Jo 🙂
Cute shoes and busy feet!
Thanks Sammie. They’re some Frankie4’s I scored on sale last year. I’ve actually had a few problems with them but they’re still really comfy. It’s confusing when that happens to shoes haha – do I like them or not?!
Hahahaha this is funny. I would never have thought of filming my feet but now I can see why sometimes our feet get tired.
It was a spur of the moment idea – I have done videos and video editing in the past and kinda missed it 🙂
Cute idea…and we need to be much more grateful for feet. I have photographed my hands with the idea of writing about why I am grateful for them.. I am yet to write the post! You made me think I need to do so. Cheers, Denyse
Oh do write it!
You crack me up. Cute shoes too.
Thanks 🙂
Lol. Awesome. Those were very busy feet and slightly turned out. Did you do ballet when you were younger?
I did some dance classes in maybe year 1? I don’t know haha. Not much otherwise I wold remember it, I’m sure. I do walk wonky – my shoes wear down on some sides more than others. I was thinking only a few days ago I should talk to a podiatrist …but one more thing for a to-do list…pfft right now haha.
You are hilarious. What a crazy idea. I want to copy you now.
Please do! It would be interesting to see how different we are.