DIY Bhuja Snack Mix

The individual items

DIY Bhuja Snack Mix


Anne from Domesblissity let me know on Instagram recently that she has a recipe for Bhuja Snack Mix on her blog – I love these snacks but find them very expensive to buy. I thought they would be cheap to make but hadn’t ever tried. So on the weekend I decided to try using her recipe to make some.


The packets are $19-25/kg if you look at the unit pricing in stores. This was my receipt from my shop (not all of it was for this) and the supplies will last for many batches! And of course you can skip quite a few things on this list and still have a very nice mix.


Snack mix receipt



The individual packets I bought. Skipping sultanans and wasabi peas would save you $7. The noodle packets were only $1 each so that’s why I bought two varieties.


The individual items



This is the ratio I used:


The ratio of items I used


The spices and amount I used. I needed a lot more! I’m going to at least double this next time.


Spices used in the Chex mix


The mixing – I quickly gave up and did it by hand. MUCH easier. I did forget to beat the egg white first though. Whoops.


Mixing Chex Mix



After the oven time, it was done. It’s in a 400g coffee jar/next to the paper towel roll for scale! I don’t own scales so you’ll have to just guess visually how much this made.


Completed DIY chex mix


Easy!! I’ll play with the spices, and make a lower carb version for my husband…but yep – quick, easy, cheap & anyone can do it. Also perfect for me, who hates to follow recipes. You really don’t need to!




4 Replies to “DIY Bhuja Snack Mix”

  1. Wow! This seems quick and easy enough for even me to make!

  2. Can I have some please heheh!

    Have a noodletastic week 🙂

  3. I have one of those bulk food places near me, so I’m going to have to attempt this myself. Thanks for sharing!

  4. So glad you liked it Vanessa. Now you’ve got me hungry again. I love that stuff. (Just wondering how the Mighty Cheese Scroll affected the taste! *wink wink*) LOL. Thanks for linking back.

    Anne xx

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