Scheduling your social media is another one of those things that you only learn about after you’ve been blogging for a while.
Benefits To Scheduling Social Media
It’s Efficient
This means that you won’t forget to share your links. If you don’t share your links, then how will anyone get to your blog? Sharing your links is a good thing.
It Increases Consistency
One of the ways that I manage to remain consistent on this blog is by scheduling when you see all the social media statuses for this blog. I used to be a fan of Hootsuite, and there’s still nothing wrong with it, but at the start of 2015 I “converted” to using CoSchedule. The advantage of CoSchedule is that if you reschedule your post, it automatically updates all of the social media posts for you. That is a huge, huge time saver for me. CoSchedule isn’t free, so if you’re a new blogger you may prefer to use a free Hootsuite account.
As of the start of 2018, I used both VirtalTag (UPDATE: I no longer use or recommend ViralTag) and RecurPost to manage my social media. As you can see, things change over time as your needs change and new platforms come out. Most platforms have a free level or a free trial period, so there’s nothing but time to be lost from trying to find out which combination of schedulers work for you.
But! There’s always a BUT!
At the end of the day, scheduling your social media posts is not going to be useful if you’re not around to interact with your readers. Different posts types and blogs have different audiences that will be online at different times of the day. Look at comments and shares primarily to work out when your readers are online. Be available at that time to interact with them.
Do you schedule your social media updates? Share your best scheduling tip in the comments!