Professional Development for Bloggers

Professional Development for Bloggers


As much as I love the online world, I think one the hardest things is the lack of support and professional development. Even for those of us with lovely blogging and business friends to call on for support, there is still a sense of isolation that is different to other industries.


And that’s why I look forward to going to ProBlogger so much most years. 2016 was my fourth year – it’s nice to spend a few days around people who know what you do!


Professional Development for Bloggers


I feel like there’s a lack of events in Australia for bloggers and general small business/internet business people to actually spend time together in person. And I think our geography does make it hard; I know some people have certainly tried to run events but it just ends up impractical or not financially viable.


Apart from ProBlogger, the other conference on my wish list for the future is the Artful Business Conference. I’ve hashtag stalked it for a number of years and learned a lot, and while it’s not blogging related (even if attendees may run blogs), it is all about your skills and small/micro creative businesses. 



I’d like to attend more events, but there don’t seem to be many I can find. A friend went to a conference run by the Collective Hub in Sydney; and that looked awesome. I only found out afterwards, of course!


How do you feel about your level of professional development as a blogger? Any events you’re planning on attending in the next year?



2 Replies to “Professional Development for Bloggers”

  1. I am all about PD, and it does lack in the digital world, especially in our niche.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      It’s something I haven’t been on top on as much as I would have liked in recent years – but I’m also not seeing a lot I would consider “new” info.

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