Randoms 21

Randoms 21

My phone just tried to change constipation to conscription and that would be a weird story.


I don’t understand why people like Amazon. Their website doesn’t even work. I was looking at a product and changed the settings to “ship to Australia” and it still showed me things I couldn’t even fucking buy because they don’t ship to Australia. I also don’t think things are cheap on there.


I have an artisnal attention span.


Randoms 21


Randoms 21


So focused on perfection that we’ve forgotten about growth.


You can’t be the next {insert name here} because that person has already happened. It’s just marketing blah which doesn’t serve a creative purpose. Just a commercial purpose.


I’m so used to listening to podcasts in the car, on my commute, that I haven’t listened to any this year. And now I’m way behind on things I like listening to. It sounds odd that it’s a thing, but I need to develop an at-home podcast habit. Maybe I need a speaker to connect my phone to? I don’t enjoy wearing headphones.


I never know if “children’s {insert item}” on gumtree or fb marketplace means it is sized for children or it’s an adult who’s a stick in the mud and the item has a colour therefore it could only possibly be for children.


Would you buy a second hand door … “complete with lock and key”? How do you know they didn’t keep a key?! 


I do not mis-read butter cream as butt cream.


I haven’t played Cards Against Humanity in ages. I need to correct that.


Tell me something random about you – recent or not! 

12 Replies to “Randoms 21”

  1. Do you know I’ve never played Cards Against Humanity?! We’ve got some great stuff of Amazon but the Aussie site isn’t nearly as comprehensive or as cheap as the UK site. And I’m the same about podcasts, I must get back into them!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I don’t actually know what the rules are to cards against humanity – we just laugh at things!

  2. I listen when I walk, but lately have been listening to audio books so am behind on podcasts too.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I’ve actually never tried audio books. I keep thinking one day it’d be a good idea – maybe when commuting is a thing again.

  3. I can’t do summersaults…

    SSG xxx

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I used to be able to do them underwater – not sure I’d risk one these days haha

  4. I laughed at your randoms 🙂 Thanks for that and I love posts about auto correct bloopers!!!!! #lifethisweek

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I feel like my logical brain says auto correct should have evolved past errors by now but also – I’d miss them!

  5. I like to eat smarties so they crunch vertically. Don’t tell my dentist…I am not wanting to break my teeth (even though I have only 8 real ones.

    Thank you for linking up for #LifeThisWeek#190…I hope to see you back next week with the optional prompt: 22/51 I Saw 1.6.2020. Take care, stay safe, Denyse.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I won’t tell, I promise!

  6. Haha…I love your random posts! I haven’t played Cards against Humanity in ages!!! I agree on Amazon not being necessarily any cheaper. I’ve stopped podcasts too – I used to listen on my longer commutes and well, that’s obviously not happened. I prefer music when I’m walking or nothing

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I can’t find my headphones right now so it’s silent (well road noise) walks for me.

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