Don’t Make Decisions In Hard Times

Don't Make Decisions In Hard Times

Don’t Make Decisions In Hard Times


You’ve probably heard that advice. It has always sounded like quite reasonable advice to me.


But how on earth do you apply it in 2020? This is an impossible year to plan you’re way out of. I certainly hope to have my job until the end of my contract, but equally who knows, maybe I’ll be unemployed in a month? I hope not, and it would be an extreme worst case scenario, but it’s not impossible. 


I thought about shutting down something recently. One of my many mostly unused side projects. It could be incorporated into this site. That’s generally what I try to do these days – keep everything here on NormalNess. Make this my internet home, my one-stop shop. Literal and metaphorical shop I guess, seeing as I do have a RedBubble store. Anyway, that’s besides the point. I try to keep everything here because I was told by multiple people I trust years ago that it was to hard to know where to find me. Which was a fair statement.


Mostly, I think I’m having one of those days where things are bleh. Not bad. Not good either. Every injury in my body is flaring a little. Maybe my brain is over-flaring by asking this question in 2020…


Don't Make Decisions In Hard Times

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