Dancing on Broken Glass

Dancing on Broken Glass

I saw this phase on Pinterest – I think it was part of a “motivational” image… you know, “shake you hair loose” type of thing.


Dancing on Broken Glass


I feel like this is what some medical advice goes towards.


Now that I’m seen as chronic for my injury, I’m suddenly not allowed to need painkillers. Which is bizarre. when I’m not pushed to beyond my limit, I rarely need anything. But when I’m pushed then yes, I have severely painful flares.


But I’m also expected to eat well and exercise when I can’t move? That’s dancing on broken glass.


Thinking the pain away – perhaps possible with a therapist but surely not an overnight success, if at all possible. So until then my pain is invalid?


Thinking the pain away with no referral or process feels much like pray the gay away… absurd and useless.


Dancing on Broken Glass


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