A new major disability project in Australia has a role available for director of the project. This project has great funding behind it.
The job is advertised as remote / work from home.
It’s only when you get to the position description that it informs you that you have to go to meetings and events in person sometimes.
That is NOT a remote job.
Meetings and events can be done remotely with high quality interaction if you put more than half a second of thought into it!
A company, organisation, or person who cannot run a hybrid meeting with high quality interaction has a skill deficit on their end.
A skill deficit on the organisers end is not a reason to exclude people with a disability from participation.
This should not be a radical thought!!! Everything needed to do this well, the technology and the knowledge, exists out there. And yet it’s not used and creates exclusion.
I’m tired of the low standards of disability organisations / their recruitment and “inclusion”.
Fix your skill deficits. Don’t exclude people because you won’t fix a skill deficit.