I’m planning to do the wrong thing

On threads the other day an author shared a really helpful series of posts about iterating as an author to move yourself forward in a creative and commercial way. I’m usually not a fan of generic advice, because, it’s generic, but this was thought out and clearly came from experience. It’s worth reading the posts if you have threads. (It’s my understanding threads isn’t super visible if you don’t have an account? I’m sorry if that is the case, but I haven’t asked their permission to republish their words which is why I’m linking to it only, not sharing screenshots or copy pasting. It’s not mine to republish.)


It was really good to think about this on a personal level too. 


The idea of creating and iterating isn’t new, but I feel like I don’t see it talked about either in writing broadly, or in a realistic way that combines creativity with the business of being a creative. I’m also planning to ignore all the wonderful advice that this author shared.


I’ve had this concept in my head for a little while now and it breaks nearly every single rule of what you are supposed to do, especially as an indie author. Yet it’s the only way this story concept has come to me. I tried to push it into the boxes of what “is the done thing” but it felt bland and unwritable if I follow the rules. 


So I’m planning to do the wrong thing. 


Knowing when to use and when to ignore the rules and norms is one of the things that gets glossed over in advice land (writerly advice or any other topic). If you have an idea that is floating around out there and breaks the rules… but you know that the wrong way is actually the right way, feel free to take this as your permission slip to let your project tell you its needs. 

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