I’ve never understood a linear experience of life. Specifically, income. Mine has gone up and down my entire life and the thought of it increasing slowly over time is a fantasy from another era. In 2022 I had one of the highest paying jobs I’ve ever had and now in 2023 I’ve got one of […]
DIYing My Life

Recently, I reached out to a disability organisation who was offering a mentorship program. As you know, in 2023 I spent a horrible bunch of months job hunting. Don’t be disabled and job hunt, people will verbally abuse you for existing. Anyway. Clearly 99% of my career options no longer exist due to the fact […]
Disability Vengeance

Oh I loved this when I saw it recently: First, we had Disability Rights, then we had Disability Justice, and now I would like to unveil my own framework: Disability Vengeance. — Richard Amm ♿️🌍👨🦼 (@Richard_Amm) July 9, 2023 A twitter post by user Richard Amm that says “First we had Disability Rights, then […]
Respite and Recreation

I’ve had a rough couple of weeks. I know the reasons behind it and it’s mostly a confluence of some shitty timing on multiple fronts. Not that knowing “why” really helps me. Anyway. I came across a Facebook memory from this-ish time last year where I worked out I hadn’t had any leave in […]
Stop Stealing My Spoons

What are spoons? They’re a way of explaining how limited energy can be. Some people hate the analogy, some people like the analogy, but I don’t really care who likes or hates it because it’s just one theory/explanation/analogy, for fucks sake. How spoonies have the energy to argue about spoons is beyond me. Anyway, the […]
Fuck You, I’m a Greedy Bother

Lots of things have lead to this. No one specific article or person or situation. I’ve noticed a theme in disability content where it’s “we don’t want {compensation}, we just want to be included”. I feel like there’s a layer of internalised ableism here – that as disabled people we ask for SO MUCH […]
Respect My New Normal

The tagline for this blog is “because we’re all normal to ourselves”. My normal deviates wildly from everyone else’s. It will probably never return to what others consider normal. Most of the time, I can deal with it. But what I cannot stand, and what boils me into a pit of frustration, is […]
The Financial Loss That Accompanies Disability

Who’s ready for some depressing discussion!? Woo! As you may know, the place I was working (on a mega-project) went under* this year and there were mass “BYEEEEE”. I can’t even call it lay-offs because that implies that we were paid compensation for losing our jobs. Project staff were mostly labour hire through recruitment agencies […]
When Does CoDesign Become Consulting?
I recently wanted to apply for an art thing. Only it required in person attendance. Which, as a mostly housebound person… didn’t feel doable. I sent in a query about how to have a modified version of this so I could apply for the art thing. I received a thoughtful response, but it lead me […]
Learning and Unlearning

Learning and Unlearning Take a look at this reel: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Charlie Rewilding 🌻 (@charlierewilding) It’s really good. It’s on the topic of burnout but I feel it’s really applicable for all kinds of chronic and fluctuating conditions. My health has never […]