Take a look at the second slide on this Instagram post. Embedded and screenshot versions are below, with the text transcribed below both image options: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Anja Vesterhus Knustad ♥ Chronic illness • ME/CFS • Spoonie (@this.is.the.illness.m.e) The post says “Being social; […]
- This is my life
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Employment Greed
Have you seen that Twitter is mad a Meta for launching a competing app, Threads? It seems that Meta hired staff that Twitter fired. Which brings me to… selfish companies! I’ve never understood why non compete clauses for employees are legal. Employers always want to hire you with the exact same job […]
Normalise Living Aids
A chronic pain/migraine account I follow on Instagram did an update post about their peer support groups. And something caught my eye… they talked about coming as you are. With your heat pack. In bed. And so on. Which reminded me of the job I had last year/the job that went under in Feb […]
When Too Much Need Makes Want
I’ve never understood a linear experience of life. Specifically, income. Mine has gone up and down my entire life and the thought of it increasing slowly over time is a fantasy from another era. In 2022 I had one of the highest paying jobs I’ve ever had and now in 2023 I’ve got one of […]
DIYing My Life
Recently, I reached out to a disability organisation who was offering a mentorship program. As you know, in 2023 I spent a horrible bunch of months job hunting. Don’t be disabled and job hunt, people will verbally abuse you for existing. Anyway. Clearly 99% of my career options no longer exist due to the fact […]
Respite and Recreation
I’ve had a rough couple of weeks. I know the reasons behind it and it’s mostly a confluence of some shitty timing on multiple fronts. Not that knowing “why” really helps me. Anyway. I came across a Facebook memory from this-ish time last year where I worked out I hadn’t had any leave in […]
Fuck You, I’m a Greedy Bother
Lots of things have lead to this. No one specific article or person or situation. I’ve noticed a theme in disability content where it’s “we don’t want {compensation}, we just want to be included”. I feel like there’s a layer of internalised ableism here – that as disabled people we ask for SO MUCH […]
Take Care of Yourself
Take Care of Yourself The last three weeks have been exhausting. Mostly due to stress. I did briefly utilise EAP chat to talk about the stress of discrimination in job hunting but it basically came down to “I’m sorry that’s happening to you. It is wrong. Can you do craft?” I was hoping […]
- This is my life
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Apparently I’m An Advocate Now
Apparently I’m An Advocate Now At least for myself… As some of you may know, the project I was working on in my day job has had some issues, and the short story is that myself (and many others) had their contract cancelled. I was expecting another 6-12 months of working there, so […]
- This is my life
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That’s Not Merit
At the end of 2021 I had to start looking for a job. My contract wasn’t going to be renewed due to ongoing budget cuts. I want to talk about one particular interview. This was within the Australian university sector, the same sector I was in at the time. I had an interview […]