I had goals. I had ideas. I had energy. I had scissors… I had an idea to test a clothing crafty whatever you call it from here. And then…
Oh wait, yeah, you have to watch it 🙂
Random Weekend Chats From My Car #5
What did you get up to on the weekend?
Oh! HAHAHA. IT’s been a while since I’ve seen one of your random weekend chats in the car. Three cheers for chips. Oh, and gooey caramel! YES!
I think the last time I did one was in January haha. Trust me, between then and now, you didn’t need to hear or see the sick me 🙂 But yes, the chips – it was for the good of food waste, I swear. I’m bummed the gooey caramel was a bust, I just can’t do that much sugar.
OMG! I use my legs when I walk too! TWINSIES! Hahaaa 🙂
It’s still mildly fascinating to me that I can go to the shops and run errands without being tired haha.
Love this!! You should do more although I’m still questioning what the spoon thing was about…..!?!
I want a deep spoon, like when you get from Japanese takeaway shops. Only I literally cannot find one. Even the last Asian specialist grocery store I went into didn’t have one. It’s bizarrely hard to buy.
Hahaha, #dipproblems. Those legs got some good use this weekend. LOL, I loved this video. No sheets or spoons do a sad face make.
OMG #DipProblems is the best hashtag ever !
Love the chat from the Woolies carpark! So true about the dip!
SSG xxx
Someone needs to address the inequitable chip to dip ratio in life. Or maybe, maybe it’s a conspiracy…. 🙂
It was fun hearing you and watching too. Gotta get chips so dip does not go to waste! Makes perfect sense to me. Thanks for linking up this week for #lifethisweek. Next week: Ideal Meal
I couldn’t ethically let the dip go to waste!
Excellent chat! This weekend I returned from my road trip around Europe! Keep up the great work!
Oh I hope you had a great trip!