In 2024 I tried to get some state based (aka non NDIS) disability supports. It was a complete joke. Not only was there an extensive wait list but you also had to be rich enough to pay for them. Yes, it was subsidised, cheaper than “market rate”, but that is NOT financial accessibility given the […]
This is my life
I’m planning to do the wrong thing
On threads the other day an author shared a really helpful series of posts about iterating as an author to move yourself forward in a creative and commercial way. I’m usually not a fan of generic advice, because, it’s generic, but this was thought out and clearly came from experience. It’s worth reading the posts […]
IDPWD 2024 Feedback
IDPWD (International Day for People With a Disability) are asking for feedback on their 2024 event. You can submit the feedback here. I thought my freeform comments at the end might resonate with some others (after all, they’re similar to the last post I published, which people seemed to resonate with). Instead of annoying […]
A collection of my current thoughts about disability

These are half processed thoughts. There are more connections to be made. That will come with time. I write to think. You don’t have to publish only finished thoughts. Exploring thoughts and where they come from and how they change and grow over time is interesting and valuable. *** The more I’ve […]
- This is my life
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Fix your skill deficit

A new major disability project in Australia has a role available for director of the project. This project has great funding behind it. The job is advertised as remote / work from home. It’s only when you get to the position description that it informs you that you have to go to meetings […]
- This is my life
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The performative parts of work

I’ve had this topic floating around in my head for a long time. I don’t know how to approach it. I think people will hate it and dismiss it. But when someone else mentioned it on social media, I chimed in. Why not? And it was surprisingly positive. Image description: Threads post by username […]
Brains can be jerks. Also, I judge myself.
Earlier today I was really down on something. A news topic had come out and I was kicking myself. I have something in the works that would be PERFECT to promote alongside the topic. Only it’s not ready. I’ve been working on it slowly (SLOWWWWWLY) all year so far. But I presently work full […]
What are my standards?
Recently in an online community I shared that I was thinking of doing all future book publishing under a pen name. This was less about niches and genres and all those “usual” reasons and more about protecting my ability to communicate. I do very little synchronous conversing these days. It’s cognitively hard work. This means that […]
Randoms 29
I kept meaning to do these wonderful posts on all these topics individually to make them easy to find again and then I remembered I’m a sick person with no fucking spoons, so here it is, a randoms post. Disclaimering @OneGirlAndHerCows made an Instagram story post in March this year about disclaimering abilities. And […]
Performing Disabled

I came across a fantastic Instagram post about how …shock horror, disabilities can disable us! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ella 🦆🌈🌻 (@_ellawillis) The comments were also fantastic and got into the “reason vs excuse” narrative and one comment I loved by VeganYori was “I always say ‘it’s not an excuse, […]