Random Weekend Chats From My Car #10

Random Weekend Chats From My Car #10

Ok, I admit this wasn’t the weekend just gone, but the one before. But that also doesn’t really matter. Because nothing matters but not in a sad way, just in an “it’s my blog so if I don’t feel like editing for a week I don’t have to” kind of way. You know?


Lots of new car stuff! Becuase NEW CAR.


Random Weekend Chats From My Car #10


Random Weekend Chats From My Car #10



What have you been up to on weekends recently?


If you’re in Brisbane, are you interested in me blogging the op shops I go to? I’ve noticed op shops have terrible websites and pretty poor coverage online.


14 Replies to “Random Weekend Chats From My Car #10”

  1. Loved the new car …and the chat! I have my keys for the keyless car around my neck on a lanyard (can’t keep an old teacher down) and then put them in side pocket in my bag. I find the car unlocks and starts with the keys/lanyard in the bag no problemo.

    One time in the very early days of my keyless car, I ignored the sound the car was making to “take the keys with you, this is what I am telling” and actually went into Woolies. When I got back, how lucky was I…no body had stolen my car. I had left it in the state where that could happen. Woah.

    I am an op shop donor not an op shop buyer. I am in the culling stage of life not the acquisition except for new , on special clothes for ME!!

    Denyse #teamIBOT

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I do put them in my bag but then it’s just a bit annoying to dig them in and out for the lock and unlock. But I don’t want to leave them in the middle drink pocket with a drink in case a drink leaks on them. I’m sure I’ll find what works best eventually! I don’t tend to buy clothes in op shops, but other stuff. Furniture, a lot of ours has come from op shops.

  2. Every time I see a Kuga (and there are quite a few in the UK) I think of you! Love the new wheels!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I wondered if there might be a few over there. The few times I’ve googled something about the car they seem to have been UK forums.

  3. Love the new wheels!!! Awesome!

    And yes, Iā€™m a Brisbanite who would love to hear about great op shops!!!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Ooh yay, I do actually op shop quite a bit for fun on weekends but I’ve rarely blogged about them, not sure why! I guess it had just never occurred to me haha. Or I get distracted by the bargains šŸ™‚

  4. I love how excited you are about the new car! Makes me smile every time I see a post. Please blog your op shop finds- I’d love that!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      I actually need to find everything I scored last weekend cos we had a great run in op shops then.

  5. Yaaaay for those new car feels! As much as I’ve never considered myself materialistic, I love the feeling of a new car and discovering all the things. Enjoy!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      So many more things to discover in this car vs my old one! I haven’t even looked into the fuel preference eco settings (or something like that).

  6. Absolutely yes re the op shops. My daughter works behind the scenes for Neighbours Aid – who have a number of them up here on the Sunny Coast – & I think one in Brissy. They don’t get nearly the coverage they should.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Oh Neighbours Aid is where I bought a new bag last weekend šŸ™‚ Great little cluster of op shops in that area.

  7. Congrats on the new red car! I think it matches the current colour on my fingernails! lol Love it! #TeamLovinLife

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Haha well I totally planned that then šŸ™‚

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