Unforgettable moments

We all have unforgettable moments in our lives. Some are based on a place or time, others might be meeting someone who has inspired you.


One that sticks in my mind is the first time I went to the top deck of the Eiffel Tower. I was 19 and on a Contiki tour of Europe, and Paris was our last city.


We got up there as the sun was going down & spent ages just looking around. It was amazing to be on a man made structure that was so high up that you could (just) see the curvature of the Earth.

View from the top!


As much as I’d enjoyed my traveling companions, I wanted to share this moment with someone close to me. So I thought, bugger the expense, and used my mobile to call my best friend.


She was asleep in her bed in Australia, and all I did was say “I’m at the top of the Eiffel Tower!” but it’s a conversation we both remember to this day. Hearing a familiar voice & sharing your experinces is amazing.


And it reminds me that I’m very lucky to have a friend who doesn’t mind me waking them up at 4am with a phone call!!


What’s an unforgettable moment in your life?

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