I’ve felt (and been) a bit absent recently.
Not from work, but a little bit from life.
Perhaps somewhat ironically, now that things are looking up for us, I’ve been feeling a bit down. I think it’s taken this mental breather of pressure to realise exactly how much pressure we’ve been under and how much we’ve been through since March 2011.
So I’ve scaled back. I haven’t been blogging for a few weeks (though I never stop writing out blog drafts).
I’ve done little but work-home-sleep. Even on the weekends, I’ve just spent time at home.
While this sounds kind of depressive to write, I think I’ve needed it. I think zoning out for a few weeks actually stopped me from becoming depressed.
We were talking about something last night & I think it’s time to try it. It feels like a big risk, but when you look at it logically & mathematically, it’s not much of a risk & I even have a fair amount of contingency plans.
In other words, I currently have no reason not to.
So I will be starting the process today. I still have some more to learn before going ahead with it, but it’d have to be drastically terrible for me to have a reason not to go ahead with it.
Still kinda scary though.