Adventure Recap Episode 4 – Shoes

Yes. Shoes. I hate shoe shopping. I’ve always hated it. Is it an adventure? Well, it’s far out of my comfort zone, so I’m counting it as one!

Instead of sneaking new shoes into the house & hiding them, then passing them off as ones I’ve always had, I actually get forced into shoe shopping. Here are my results:

My first pair of ballet flats!

My first pair of ballet flats!

I found the ballet flats by accident. I was running around testing the work shoes (below) and saw that someone had left these on the seats in the shoe asile. And they were my size!! And they are a great, bright colour! And they have a lot of padding. Score!

Work shoes

Work shoes

I test shoes by running in them. In the shop. Which was ok since we got to the shops when they’d just opened & they weren’t too busy yet. It’s not a shoe if you can’t run in it.

Yes, this is a heel to me. I will twist my ankle in these. It's only a matter of time.

Yes, this is a heel to me. I will twist my ankle in these. It’s only a matter of time.

Hopefully they last better than most shoes I’ve bought from Big W in recent years. I’ve worn some for a month & had them fall completely apart, then taken them back and been treated rudely. Fingers crossed.

How long does it take you to find the right shoe?


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