If you read this….uh, I apologise.
But this is an actual email conversation between my husband Ben & I.
To: Ben.
From: Vanessa.
8:04 AM
Oh v is good.
To: Vanessa
From: Ben
8:05 AM
youve just started!? im nearly finished my coffee!
To: Ben
From: Vanessa
8:05 AM
I’ve only been at work 15min!!
To: Vanessa
From: Ben
8:07 AM
thats still not acceptable
To: Ben
From: Vanessa
8:09 AM
But I have to make it last all day
I was feeling good til you told me off!!!!
To: Vanessa
From: Ben
8:10 AM
no v for you!
To: Ben
From: Vanessa
8:11 AM
Fine I’ll have my sacrificial goat on ibuprofen fetch me soapy soup
To: Vanessa
From: Ben
8:14 AM
ok you earned it
To: Ben
From: Vanessa
8:14 AM
Can I put this conversation on my blog? I want to blog it. It FEELS bloggable.
To: Vanessa
From: Ben
8:15 AM
as long as its water soluble
To: Ben
From: Vanessa
8:16 AM
What if it’s water soluble but only after the water resistant parts fail?
To: Vanessa
From: Ben
8:19 AM
ah- so it plays hard to get
To: Ben
From: Vanessa
8:21 AM
It is a tease, yep.
To: Vanessa
From: Ben
8:27 AM
i no longer remember what we are talking about
To: Ben
From: Vanessa
8:31 AM