This post by Em Hawker made me think back to when I tried to run #BrightMonday – it was all about putting on something bright to ‘cure’ Mondayitis. Even if you have a uniform, it could be a bright bag you take with you, bright hair clip – just something to brighten your day. I’ve since reorganised the category so there are a few other things in it now, but you can find the posts here.
It started for me years before I blogged, when someone told me they missed my bright yellow shirt that I used to wear to work. I slide into wearing dark clothes to work very quickly and easily. It’s something I try to be conscious of and I find that it does actually help me, personally, to wear bright colours.
The problem is, I don’t have a lot of stuff. I also don’t want a lot of stuff. I spend a lot of time trying to get rid of stuff, actually – I have very little storage space at home so it has to be culled regularly, because apparently stuff breeds. (How do inanimate objects breed so much?! HOW?)
Anyway, as much as I love Bright Monday, it just doesn’t really suit me and the way I blog, tweet, instagram etc. But I love it, I think others would love it too and I would love to see it continue somewhere online.
So, the Bright Monday question today is – do you want to take over it?
There’s not a lot to really take over, just the idea – because I’d love to see it continue with someone who it really suits. The hashtag was somewhat exclusive at the time, but I have to admit, I haven’t looked at it much recently.
Uh no… not me. Though I like the idea. When I worked and lived in Brissy I was very much a wearer of black and not much else. I did however have some bright jewellery I’d use to offset whatever I was wearing.
Since making my seachange I’ve added some colour to my apartment AND my wardrobe!
Great idea. Not an offer to take it over, though – you have stiff Instagram competition with monochrome Monday (which should be duochrome Monday – is it just me, or do most people wear two colours instead of one?). Love it though. I’ll certainly play along!
I used to enjoy your bright Mondays…I certainly think Mondays need brightening. I have tried my best to wear bright clothes on Mondays. Or if I wear black, then I try and add some bright jewellery. I wouldn’t mind taking it on but I’m away all of June and two weeks of July but I suppose I could still do it on holidays. Happy to chat about it Vanessa 🙂
{I’m NO fashion blogger though!}