What I Loved: The Bright Side Edition

Awesome pants

The past week I’ve started a new job, been adjusting to working two jobs and still a bit congested from the flu last week. But, this is where I find that this weekly reflection really helps me to find the bright side of a busy week.


I wore my awesome pants to the GP last week. I was actually really colour coordinated and fashionable but I never found a mirror to take a full selfie.


Awesome pants




My dog have me so great smiles this week while her paw dramas were going on:


puppy smiles



I like to keep it simple on first days at new jobs, which is a great excuse to visit a cafe for lunch, so I bought a fish burger:


FIsh Burger


I joined a facebook group that is all about gentle group encouragement to keep or meet your health and exercise goals. Being sick last week (and for a few months at the start of this year) has had a huge impact on my health. Something that I know helps me in the long run is having a really good sleeping pattern. I need to get up early for one of my jobs but not for the other. So my new goal is to wake up at a consistent time each day. I was struggling with motivation but going out to see the sunrise was also a great way to make sure I got out of bed:




And after cutting my finger yesterday, I’m grateful for no stitches and a bulk billing doctor!




What have you loved this week?



4 Replies to “What I Loved: The Bright Side Edition”

  1. Mmm fish burger. I want one now!

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      It was their $10 deal so I wasn’t expecting much but it was better than I thought it would be.

  2. […] you caught up here yesterday, you’ll know I’m in a ‘scraping by’ place for a little while. Not bad, just […]

  3. god bless bulk billers! Love those pants and the shoes are a bit of alright too 🙂

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