This week I want to encourage you to take a step towards a bucket list item. If it’s something you can do straight away, then go for it. If it’s something that even taking a step might take a little bit of time, then find one step that you can take today to make that bucket list item a bit more of a reality.
#2015TheYearOfMe Challenge 21 Work on a bucket list item
For me, I took that bucket list step on Saturday. I got to tick a huge bucket list item off for me and I got to meet and have my photo taken with someone I really idolise. Below is the photo of David Hewlett and myself:
What can you do today tick off a bucket list item, or what can you do to work towards a bucket list item?
He always looks like SUCH a nice guy 🙂
So nice! This must have been in his 3rd hour straight of photos and was smiling and talking to fans as much as possibly with the click, you’re next, click schedule they had the actors on.