I actually don’t spend much time at my laptop. I have a pretty bad habit of writing blog posts on my phone, and then just doing the scheduling and images on my laptop.
Places To Blog From
The disadvantage to this is that writing on your phone just doesn’t seem like a healthy thing to do. Squishy thumbs, neck craned down… surely phones are not ergonomic or good for you in that regard. The massive advantage though is that I am pretty good at capturing my ideas when they come to me. That means that I don’t miss out on ideas and try to write a stilted post later on the same topic. I get to capture my ideas when they’re fresh, which I find makes a better flow of writing. And, hopefully, a better reading experience.
I know the positive stereotypical image of bloggers is that of a beach, a cocktail and a laptop – but I’d question how many people this stereotype actually fits! And also, are these people terrified of sand getting into their laptop? I would be. But that could be because I destroyed a laptop the other year with a cup of water.
Anyway, because I tend to write on my phone, my writing literally gets done wherever I am. Quite often, while I’m at lunch or commuting.
I’m curious to know where you get your blogging done. Leave a comment and let me know!