I’ve long had a question about fridges.
You know the basic idea of plates looking like this:
Why on earth aren’t fridges half crisper section then?
I know this sounds like a rhetorical, laugh it off, assholey question.
But I have genuinely wondered it for a long time.
My last all-fridge had a tiny crisper section. We got Ben’s mum’s all-fridge when she moved and it’s still a fairly small portion of the overall capacity (though probably the largest crisper section I’ve ever had).
So, why do you think crisper sections are so small, relative to the size of a fridge?
That’s a great question and I don’t know the answer! Maybe someone who makes fridges should answer 🙂 #lifethisweek
I wish I knew the answer! I have a decent sized fridge with a minuscule crisper – it just doesn’t make sense!
One reason: The fridge design team doesn’t have a dietician 🙂 #lifethisweek
What a fabulous question! I’m always complains that there isn’t enough room in the crisper. But I’ve never actually asked the question #lifethisweek Sharing
What a fabulous question! I’m always complaining that there isn’t enough room in the crisper. But I’ve never actually asked the question #lifethisweek Sharing
I see your reasoning.
No idea.
I love our fridge which we have had for years and years and is a two door on top fridge – open like a pantry and two doors underneath that house the freezer with drawers.
Thanks for linking up for Life This Week. Next week, the optional prompt is 17/51 Life Stories#1 27.4.2020. Hope to see you there too. Denyse.
Oh my goodness yes! I’ve never thought about it that way before, but yes.