As mentioned at the ProBlogger Event, you can spend 15mins a day to further yourself/your blog/your business.
I’ve created a list to get you started. Some are ideas I brainstormed, some are tips from following the #pbevent on twitter:
- Brainstorm Blog post ideas
- Find some new people in your niche on twitter/facebook
- Compare pricing for products/services you offer
- Pick topics on your blog that you can develop into an eBook
- Look for local conferences in your area
- Read press releases of brands you want to work with
- Consider scoping out a new blog designer if you haven’t updated yours in a while
- Write about the benefits your blog provides others
- Set up a blogging promotion partnership/network
- Follow up with someone you met in person
- Create a Thank You Page for your readers
- Review the ways people share your content
- Skim your blog titles – have your topics/focus changed?
- Learn a new social media tool
- Send a thank you to your blogs most frequent commenters
- Make a list of who RT’s or shares your posts most often
- Search for a Virtual Assistant that you can engage at short notice for viral posts, big campaigns or personal illness/family dramas
- Host a coffee break at your local cafe for local bloggers of all niches
- Contact people for guest posts
- Set up or outline a blogging schedule
- Look for a professional development course
- Think about engaging a ghost writer for an eBook
- Review your social media tone and think about consistency
- Write a blog series with another blogger
- Ask your readers if you can publish emails they’ve sent you as testimonials
- Look for ways to simplify – reduce the fields required to subscribe to your email list, make competitions easier
- Regoranise the layout of your email newsletter
- Find a new blogger to mentor
- Schedule tweets – new, old, most popular, examples of brands you’ve worked with
These are ones you can return to on a regular basis, to make sure you stay up to date:
- Media kit (monthly – stats etc)
- Money
- review your income streams and consider what’s working for you
- Make sure you’re charging the right amount to at least cover your costs (hobby) or keep expanding (business)
- Review your comment/community policy
- Update your FAQ Page
- Disclosure page/policy
- Update your Hire Me page with your work examples
- Update guest posting page
- Make an action list to guide your 15min blocks of time
Some of these tasks can be done in 15mins alone, others will need to be spread out over a few 15mins sessions.
Your blog posts will generally maintain themselves. I would recommend spending some time reviewing your pages (static links) each month to ensure they are as up to date as possible.
What other things could you do in your 15mins? Share with us in the comments.
[…] 15mins This post is a long list of things that you can do with your 15mins of development time per day. Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailLike this:Like4 bloggers like this. Leave a Comment by 26yearsandcounting on October 14, 2012 • Permalink Posted in Blogging Tagged blogging, conference […]