BRAIN: Muhahaha.
BODY: Whaa?
BRAIN: You are awake!
BODY: *grumbles*
BRAIN: Think about everything that is going on right now.
BODY: *look at clock* It’s four-fucking-fifteen in the morning, Brain, what are you on?!
BRAIN: Over think things! Over think things!
BODY: Noooo. Let meeee sleeeeeepp.
BRAIN: You know what we need? We need to do some maths. Go on, reach over to your phone and open the calculator…go on..
BODY: *complies*
BRAIN: Now, lets calulate doomsday scenarios
ME: Ok the both of you, I want to sleep so you both have to shut up now.
BRAIN: Maybe after one more calculation.
BODY: I agree, lets sleep.
ME: Thank you!
BRAIN: Ok, I am a bit sleepy.
ME: *thinks* Excellent, I can still catch an hour of sleep before my alarm.
BODY: Ner-ner. I’m awake now. AND I can do magic tricks!
ME: Shut up, body.
BODY: No, really. Look at this! All I have to do is wave my wand aaaaannnddd… NOSE CONGESTED! Haha, sucker. Try and breathe enough to sleep now!
ME: Shit.
BRAIN: Guys, I’m tired here. Be quiet.
ME: Oh, that’s good coming from you, brain.
BODY: Blow, blow, blow your nose, gently down the stream.
ME: Why isn’t there a box of tissues in the bedroom?
BODY: Wakey wakey, go find tissues.
BRAIN: Guys, really, I could sleep now.
ME: You started this, brain.
BODY: Snort.
ME: *scrambles around house in dark for tissues*
BODY: I know I made you get out of bed, but it’s co-old!
ME: *turns heating on, gives up on sleep or oxygen, cries to self and decides to blog her insanity*
I wish I was making this up. Send caffeine. Or hugs. Or a pillow. Or something for me to get through Tuesday. Oooh, send a limo to chauffeur me home from work this afternoon.
5:22 am here and I haven’t actually slept. I’m officially giving up. Not entirely sure how I will get through the day. No doubt it will be coffee fueled.
Hope you made it through the day ok. I’m lucky I slept before this – I can’t cope on even a few hours less sleep.
I vote we officially stop getting up altogether in Winter. I just can’t make a start in the dark mornings.
Ooh yes, that! Even though overall it’s not really cold in Brisbane – but my defense is that the houses aren’t built for cold.
I used to talk about my body and brain disconnect but then I saw this show on TV about being cryogenically frozen (which I’d like to be, though my family laughs when I tell them!) and they said all you really need is the head, not the body. That was weird. I hate my body, but it’s my body… you know?
Yep! I get that. It would be weird to be all sci-fi and have a different body.
There is nothing worse when your brain just won’t bloody stop….. Enough already. I recently started a new job and I find myself awake every night around 3am thinking…. Thinking… Thinking ….
Yes, I think mine is partially new job too. It just sets your brain thinking and processing and can be hard to stop.
4.15am!! No! I hope this isn’t a regular occurrence. Hope your brain and body leave you alone tonight 🙂 #teamIBOT
Thankfully it’s very rare. And I did sleep well last night so I feel a lot better.
Oh it’s too cold for that kind of carry on! Although that would be annoying on an ordinary night.
Hope you got through the day ok. xx
I survived thanks to energy drinks and sugar.
Oh I feel you! I’ve been suffering with this head/chest cold/cough congestion for nearly 2 weeks now! Sleep is now officially something that happened in a former life.
Hope yours buggers off soon! x
Whatever cold/flu is going around at the moment seems to be so severe!