#ArchiveLove 30


Tomorrow is my big day! Or not so big day, seeing as my obligation is basically to sleep. I’ll be on social media as and when I’m able (not obligating myself to anything seeing as I don’t know how I’ll feel).


It’s true what some people say about forgetting how sick you are. On Saturday last week I forgot to take my morning antibiotic. Really rare, I’m pretty good at not forgetting such things. Anyway, by around 11am I was in agony. My throat was so soreĀ I had to keep taking sips of water just to keep it from feeling like it was touching itself (you know what I mean). Thankfully I was only a few km from home so I made a beeline.


I mostly hope the exhaustion goes away. I’m so tired of being tired. I’d like to have the energy to sit on my couch after work, instead of that being too hard and forcing me to go to bed.


#ArchiveLove has been scheduled and will still be running, so please do join in, link up and read each others posts. I’ll be in if I feel well enough to be.






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7 Replies to “#ArchiveLove 30”

  1. Good luck! I hope it all goes well. Will be looking out for you on SM for the update.

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Thanks, will be online as soon as I feel ok, I’m sure!

  2. All the best! Wishing you a speedy recovery!


    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Thanks Ingrid!

  3. Yay! Enjoy the sleep and the goid health that’s coming your way soon!! Fingers are crossed! Xx

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      The sleep is what everyone keeps tell me will be great!

  4. All the best for tomorrow Ness!

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