One of the things that most bloggers lament is the lack of time they have to blog. Jobs, kids, life…whatever you have on your plate in life, it can really eat into blogging time.
What If You Had More Time?
If you suddenly had an hour extra a week for blogging, what would you do?
I would:
- Spend more time editing & proofreading posts
- Actually finish off blogs posts I have in drafts
If you had three hours spare, what would you do?
I would:
- Spend more time on graphics
- Plan my paid offerings
- Market my freelance services more (old content alert – you can still work with me via that link but the offerings have changed)
If you had six hours spare, what would you do?
I would:
- Adapt blog posts for social media shares
- Organise my mailing lists
What would you do if you had one, three or six extra hours per week to blog?