Taking Specific Action

A few years ago I hashtag stalked the Artful Business Conference and learned some great advice.


It was from Karen Gunton and it was:


If you want something awesome to happen, you have to do something awesome.


This was really brought back to me when, just before ProBlogger the same year, a call went out in the event group asking for examples of what you had achieved since the last conference.


And I had to admit to myself that the answer was “nothing”. Oh, sure, I had blogged and so on but in terms of definable outcomes, I had nothing.


Taking Specific Action


To a degree, this is why my shiny object syndrome is bad! I am so easily distractible. I am terrible at follow through, even when I have a great idea and a written plan of action.


I’m still trying to find the way of committing to action that works for me. Most ways I try just haven’t worked for me. So far, it hasn’t mattered to me if I have it written down and/or announce it to the world – still doesn’t make it a commitment that I have to take action on. One day I’ll find what works for me, but until then I keep trying.


Taking specific action is something that I will have to keep working on. The only area of this I feel somewhat successful in is sorting out my own plans in my head – that writing and blogging comes first, as they are the basis of what I do. You can call yourself a blogger if you hang out on Facebook all day but unless you actually get around to publishing your blog posts, it’s not really blogging.


How do you take specific action in your blog/business? 


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