This might sound like a bit of an odd topic, but I have found that scheduling posts has become more than just a way of keeping organised for me, it’s good for my health.
Why Scheduling Posts Is Good For Your Health
Lets tackle the why first. Pressure, stress…whatever you want to call it, it’s something that bloggers can feel when they want to keep to a blogging schedule.
In 2016 I struggled with blogging. I was doing postgrad study and had my iron levels crash. At the start of 2017, an old shoulder injury flared up and I was in a fair amount of pain that stopped me from sitting comfortably and typing. The only reason I mostly managed to stay on track during this time was that I had pre-written a lot of posts on my Christmas break from work.
Having the posts written and ready to publish meant that when I was unwell, I wasn’t worried about missing a publication date. All I had to do was check the post and make sure I didn’t have any obvious errors. It only took me a few minutes a week to manage my publication schedule. Not only was that a load off my mind, but it suited the amount I could sit still and the amount I could concentrate.
Scheduling doesn’t work for everyone, and I know some bloggers really don’t like it. But I would highly recommend that even if you don’t want to have things formally scheduled out months in advance, that you have a few posts that are written and have the relevant images sitting in your pending or drafts folder. That way if you want to keep your schedule but life happens and you don’t have time to write, you just need to do a quick check and hit the publish button.
Have you ever used scheduling to help through a period of bad health? Did you find the stress was reduced because of it?