Fuck It, Why Not?

Fuck It, Why Not?

My phrase of the year is “Fuck it, why not?”


Until I get bored & change it, obviously.


I have had a kinda lousy break. Or “holiday”. You can see me breaking in frustration about it here. (I’m feeling much better since venting in a few places.)


Fuck It, Why Not?


Fuck It, Why Not?


But one thing I have been doing is taking timelapses. Actually, as I write this, I’m watching a distant storm and have 5 cameras on hand. 


I’m going to start uploading them as a playlist on my YouTube channel. No real purpose other than I like them. Because why not? 


As with all my photography and videography, it exists around my life, not as a goal of it. This means that even if I only had my $3 store tripod on me, I’m still uploading the timelapse even though the tripod wouldn’t sit straight. Or if I bumped it while it was recording.


Timelapses are good because generally they keep me in nature & off my phone. Somewhat ironic that I’m writing this on my phone at the beach but hey, life is a bundle of contractions. Plus I found an old, only sometimes working iPhone in my study so I have more screens. Which is positive in this instance. 


Every year I tell myself to be less filtered. Most years I’m disappointed in myself for how much I moderate who I am to be “appropriate”. Part of this is just life. But part of if isn’t. I don’t know where my line is. What is an acceptable line here?


Maybe a phase of “fuck it, why not?” will remind me throughout the year to check in with myself and make sure I’m not overly behaving as I “should”, rather than who I am.


And speaking of should, before I took time off, I had Fuck Should nearly in a state to send it to beta readers. I probably need to assign a release date but I’ll wait until my brain has caught up & gotten back into thinking mode before I make decisions. 


8 Replies to “Fuck It, Why Not?”

  1. Even though I rarely use the F word, I read this…lol. You sure did the short end of the holiday stick with your body playing up. Hope you get a few days of fun (another f word I like) before the W for Word word resumes.

    Denyse x

    1. Vanessa Smith says: Reply

      Thank you haha. There will be a non f word version of the book too 🙂

  2. Love it…and love the idea of the time lapses as well. Because, well, what’s not to love about real life?

    1. Exactly – real life has little “imperfections” and that’s ok, they’re part of it.

  3. I seriously might steal this from you!! I love it!!

    1. Steal away!!

  4. This is a great phrase! I think I need this phrase as I slide towards 50. Coz, Fuck it, why not? May I borrow it? Perhaps you could start the Fuck it, why not? society. I’ll join for a year or two. Then I’ll probably get all serious again. xo

    1. Borrow all you want! Might help with your list too – if there are things on there which scare you 🙂

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