I took my first “real” time off work this year in July. A whole week without the day job. Of course I am casual, so that’s also a whole week without pay, which means digging into what savings I have… but the only time off I took this year was two days between leaving my […]
Self Development
November Creative Contemplations

November Creative Contemplations November is NaNoWriMo month, obviously. That has taken up most of my spare time and somehow my not spare time too? I did it. Despite having 11 days where my spoons plummeted and I wrote only 200 words, I caught up and ‘won’ two days early. I’ve also started with a […]
Remind yourself that you have done things

Remind yourself that you have done things! I was feeling a bit like I had achieved nothing this year. Written nothing of note. Done nothing. I think it was the prepping for NaNoWriMo that put me in this place, a bit too on the reflective side. So I did an overdue task – copied […]
Creator Guilt

Creator Guilt In early March I created a new website. Ironically, I did this after backing up and cancelling a heap of half-used websites. Anyway, that’s a thing, but not the guilty part. The new website is a fictional “mom blog” called My Fictional Life With Kids. As new ideas can be, I […]
October Creative Contemplations

October Creative Contemplations I took the first week of October off work, with no plans. I had a cold the week before so part of the week of leave was resting from being sick, and the other part was whatever I wanted to do on a whim. But also, having had a cold, my […]
September Creative Contemplations

September Creative Contemplations I listened to an online business summit this month and I … didn’t hate it? So weird. Usually I nod off as they’re full “omg sales funnel” and “you 10 step never fail formula” and … well I fall asleep about then. But at this one the presenters had clearly been encouraged […]
August Creative Contemplations

August Creative Contemplations I feel like I start every month in review with things that were hard. Anxiety kicked my butt for parts of August as I got to be “reviewed” at my day job over my physical needs. It has always been a negative experience that is poorly managed and going through it makes […]
July Creative Contemplations

July Creative Contemplations June and July have felt like hibernation months to me. June started with minor surgery, morphed into acute bronchitis, then July everything from June just kind of dragged on and on and I wasn’t feeling up to much. I did hit my 6th Brain Poke of the pandemic (4th this year) […]
June Creative Contemplations

June Creative Contemplations I’ve not been creating at all in June. Most of my energy was taken up with day job, a minor surgery and managing the post-surgery stuff (wound dressings, not aggravating the wound by existing, post op appointments). And then a bad case of bronchitis where I am amazed I didn’t crack […]
May Creative Contemplations

May Creative Contemplations I’ve been hanging around in health-related frustration again in May. Setbacks, pain flares, plans for teeny tiny minor surgery this week… I had originally planned to release a new book but I just haven’t had the capacity to re-read my book and get it to beta readers and do all that pre-publication […]