Retail OTT

Retail OTT

I’ve previously written about Retail Screaming, and now I want to write about retail OTT. 


In early April, I went to a store to buy an item. A lot happened. 


The staff didn’t open the store on time.


The staff kept standing close to me (during an outbreak and compulsory mask wearing).


Staff annoyed that I only wanted to purchase one thing. 


Staff annoyed I didn’t want their register upsell or their loyalty program.


Retail, ugh. I never expect it to be good but it was getting on my last nerve that day.


But wait, there’s more. 


The best and most unbelievable moment was when a staff member apparently decided I was a highly incompetent person and started telling me a list of things you can put in a bowl. 


Yes, you read that correctly. A list of things you can put in a bowl. 


Ben was waiting outside the store for me and as we walked to the car, I recounted the situation to him. He described the staff as human spam* and I greatly like this description.


*Before anyone gets their internet knickers in an internet knot, I’m sure the staff were only following protocols that some genius in their head office dreamed up. I wasn’t rude to them. They were just fucking annoying and over the top.


Retail OTT

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