The new internet rule

The new internet rule

I have a new rule for the internet. However, applying the rule may also cause the end of the internet. 


When someone asks a question, you are not permitted to reply if your answer is the same as the first answer on Google.


There is another variant of this I could add:

If I ask for personal experience/your recommendation of something, don’t tell me to google it. This happens to me most when looking at tech tools. I know what is out there. I’m curious in YOUR experience, your pro/con of using it. Especially when it’s something neurodivergent people use. We have different experiences of tools to other people. 


I’m sure there are more variants I could add, but for now I’ve got one more:

When you’re talking about a complex and/or worrying situation, and someone says “don’t worry about it”.


You don’t get to decide that for them. 


What variants of internet rules would you add? 


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The new internet rule

3 Replies to “The new internet rule”

  1. When you’re talking about a complex and/or worrying situation, and someone says “don’t worry about it”.
    You don’t get to decide that for them.

    Love that you’ve touched in this – so damn dismissive isn’t it.

    1. It’s very dismissive. At the very least someone could say “I don’t understand it but I’m sorry you’re dealing with this”.

      1. Oh this response is way more helpful 💜

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