WHEN LLAMAS ATTACK!! I think this would be a good brilliant idea for a new reality show. Only instead of animals or human animals getting hurt, the llamas could attack something nice. Like jelly. I doubt that jelly would harm a llama. Unless the llama got diabetes from the sugar. I […]
The Photos We Take – Part 2
As I posted recently, I needed to clear photos out of my phone because I ran out of space. Here’s some more. Weirdest thing you’ve found on your phone?
The Real Steps to Packet Mix Baking

I’ve been restless all day. I finally decided to watch Bones and bake some apple cinnamon muffins from a packet mix. I know. I use packet mix. Call the CWA on me and have me beheaded. I started off by reading the instructions. Immediately, I started laughing because eating the batter and by extension, […]
You’ll understand when you’re older.
You’ll understand when you’re older. You’ll change your mind when you grow up. You’ll like it when you’re older. Did anyone else get a lot of lines like these as a child and teenager? I got them frequently. I never liked sports carnivals as a kid, not just because I’ve never liked the sports that […]