It’s probably an odd thing to write a blog post about. But the reason I’m doing this is because I’ve written blog posts in the past about NaNoWriMo and seeing as I no longer feel like it’s ethical to support the organisation, it feels weird to just leave the posts up with no notes. Leaving […]
Good Creativity Guides
Good Creativity Guides Are there any books on creativity that are a) non dictatorial FOLLOW MY LEAD AND DO ALL MY STEPS OR ELSE and b) non ableist I CAN’T WORK HARD SO WHERE DOES THAT LEAVE ME? A) is kind of interesting. In online business circles people are finally starting to wake […]
Murders of Sand
This came to me via terrible YouTube captioning. It was supposed to say “emergency decent” but yeah… too bad if you have anything other than a perfect American accent when it comes to audio auto captions. I just really liked it. It would make a good book title. I’m not sure what the book would […]
Who Is A Writer?
On my now defunct Patreon, years ago I wrote a post about who GETS to be seen as a writer. Frankly, at the time, I was cranky. Some people were collaborating on a project and I didn’t view one of them as a writer. Yeah, that was a dick move of me, because who […]
Why Is It Important?
I saw this on social media – posted by a writing tool. It’s important to find ways to make your writing workflow more efficient. You want to ensure that you’re spending the majority of your time being productive. As I said, this was posted by a writing tool. Their motive is clear – […]
June Creative Contemplations
Right now I find it both helpful and unhelpful to look back over what I can and can’t do. Over the past 6 weeks I’ve had some kind of post viral relapse and my fatigue is becoming unworkable. Project Updates: My Fictional Life With Kids: Last month I finally got it swapped from self […]
Camp NaNo April 2022
I had plans for Camp NaNo in April. Big plans. I had a 11k romance novel that I was going to rewrite into a cozy mystery. I was reading a cozy mystery series to get a sense of style … and hit a snag. (Yes, of course I decided to rewrite it before I’d […]
May Creative Contemplations
I finally did a ton of overdue blog work. things like publishing posts, adding images to them, scheduling them in my social media tool. I’d let it go for months and felt awful. It was hanging over me. I can’t say it’s satisfying to have it done cos it is kinda boring work but it […]
Ableist Writing Advice
Ableist Writing Advice Writing is something that can be done in many ways. It can be adapted to many different disabilities. So I was (naively?) shocked when I read some ableist writing advice recently. The advice went along the lines of “creativity is hard and moving around physically helped me so therefor everyone […]
Cozy Mystery Conversion Journal 3
Setting brainstorm – one thing I learned from the cozy mystery series I read was that setting felt like a huge part of the narrative. My current thought process is to amalgamate a couple of towns, gives me the convenience of picking and choosing aspects that make the mystery better.