Every Wednesday I’m going to post some food photos – because I love food!! I try to make food as healthy as possible, but I also don’t believe in deprivation, just moderation.
And when I eventually upgrade from my iPhone 3GS to something newer, my Instagram photos should look much better. The 3GS camera really isn’t up to much these days.
Soft Taco Burger - mulitgrain wrap filled with minced beef made into a burger patty, with egg, radish, lettuce, cheese, corn and a little spicy bbq sauce. YUM!
Fish Salad - fish (topped with Pandaroo Brand Fish Sauce) on a bed of lettuce and radishes (topped with a little creamy garlic mayo) and a side of garlic bread. Incredibly filling.
Greens brand packet cake & icing mix mix - Orange flavour. (This photo is actually twice what I was going to eat, but don't tell anyone!)