Despite the fact I only want this to be a small, personal blog, I had a blogging goal this year. I wanted to reach 200 views per month.
Then weeks happen &the only posts that go out are those I scheduled in months ago! Suddenly, it’s nearly halfway throug h the month & I’ve reached something like 20 views.
Of course, I have no one to blame but myself. After staring at a computer all day at work, I come home to do yet more work for myself. That can be stretch, but it’s a worthwhile one in the long run.
But when I stop to think that if I want to update my blog as well, that I’ll have to spend even more time in front of the computer, my mind shuts off.
I’ve also been trying to develop my exercise habits again. No swell progress there, but any extra exercise can only be good for you.
One suggestion (if you’re taking them) is use twitter to plug. my posts that I plug on twitter 2-3 times in a 24hr period get waaaaay more views that those I don’t. Facebook too if you’ve got a page for your blog (I don’t but I’m told it works!)
I’m always open to suggestions!!
I did recently start using Hootsuite again to schedule posts, and I keep a list of shortlinks to blog posts in Evernote. That way I can schedule tweets on the go. I just kind of forget to do that too sometimes! I actually do have a page for this blog but I just don’t use it!