Blogging Goals for 2014

Blogging Goals for 2014

I’ve shied away from talking about New Years Resolutions, word for the year…basically all goals! 2014 will be an interesting year for me, because there is very little in the way of stability around for me this year. That kind of puts me off of making goals because I don’t know how my priorities will change.


Blogging Goals for 2014


Having said that, I do have a primary goal I would like to achieve on this blog: 5000 views per month.


Yeah, that’s pretty small compared to others, but I’m also not all that interested in comparing myself to others, considering my blog strategy doesn’t really include many things that other bloggers like to do, so stats aren’t a primary focus for me.  My stats are respectable for the rather limited amount of time I actually spend writing (as opposed to stuffing around on Twitter and Pinterest).


Still, sometimes I am a bit bummed that I have been writing on this blog since February 2012 and I don’t have “good” numbers. Then I slap myself and get some perspective. It’s really only recently that I feel like I’ve come into my own with my blogging focus and writing style. So where do I get off complaining?


Stacey aka The Veggie Mama recently wrote a great post on stats and her own growth. It’s a good read for perspective on growth and time for blog stats. And as I commented in that post of Stacey’s, I know when I see reward. And also as I posted in the comments, I don’t like to see increased stats as a reward, so it really is a bad choice of words! I really should use cause and effect. When I post content on a daily basis, I see increased viewers. I know you’re not “supposed” to post daily for the sake of it, but if I’m finding it works for me, I’m going to keep doing it.


While my goal is to post daily, I don’t always manage it. So, when there’s still more I can do, I don’t feel like I have the right to get bummed that I haven’t hit my goal yet.


Now, into some (further) perspective what Darren said at the ProBlogger Event: There is always more you can do.


Yep, absolutely. There will always be more you can do to promote, write, share, engage…. the list is quite endless. So I tend to ignore how ‘much’ I can do and have goals.


My 2014 blogging goals/strategy:

  • WRITE. And write. And write. Because no amount of time spent engaging on twitter is worth it if there is nothing on your blog when people get there.
  • Try out vlogging
  • Hit 5000 views per month (I don’t really care if they’re unique or not)
  • Release an eBook I have planned
  • A Super Secret I Can’t Tell You Yet


I actually started working on some of these goals in December, because there’s no need to wait for a calendar to turn over to start doing better work. Already, I’m feeling good about the progress I’ve made. Particularly with writing more. Some days I come up with too many ideas. I know, first world problem, right?


Do you have blogging goals for 2014? Share them below and we can all keep each other on track this year. 

4 Replies to “Blogging Goals for 2014”

  1. Thanks for the post, you’ve inspired me to think of a few goals of my own! Only I wish I had a super secret too 🙂

    1. Haha I don’t know how secret it really is 🙂 You can make a super secret one too, I’m sure.

  2. You can’t go too far wrong with a resolution like “write”! It’s a good one. If only I could cut back on Pinterest too, haha!

    Good luck this year. knock that 5000 vpm outta the park 🙂

    1. It’s funny how little writing I did last year. Isn’t Pinterest both wonderful and terrible haha. Thanks 🙂

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