A Confession

A Confession

With the announcement yesterday of the details of ProBlogger Event 2014, I have a little confession to make.


I still haven’t listened to the sessions I didn’t attend last year. I downloaded them all, they’ve all been downloaded on my iPhone pretty much since the conference.

A Confession

So I have no excuse, in reality. I’ve never really been an audiobook or podcast person, so maybe that’s why. For whatever reason, I haven’t done it. But wondering what I have accomplished since the 2013 event shamed me into picking up my phone on my commute this morning and switching on my PBEvent13 playlist.


Instead of going for a technical session first up, I chose to listen to the session on Reinventing Yourself by Tsh from The Art of Simple. This was both a good and a bad choice. Good becasue I’ve been thinking recently about streamlining the way posts are linked and categorised on my site. Bad because I have roughly three million projects fighting for space in my head and these sort of speech topics inspire you to think about changing things.


Then I read Kelly Exeter’s post today about what you could have acheived in one year’s time if you started today. Mixed messages are flowing in my head.


Brand. Rebrand. Start now. Take your time.


It’s hard to come across these messages when you’re in an uncertain state (only a few more days at work, job hunting nightly). But at the same time being in an uncertain state allows you to really focus on what you want. A new job isn’t what I want, but it’s just to pay the bills for me.


I really like this page from Michelle Ward, aka the When I Grow Up Coach. You don’t have to do the immediate quit your job and throw yourself into a project if it won’t work for you. My goal right now is actually quite similar – my contract is up at my busy corporate job and I’m looking for something to pay the bills that’s a bit cushy. And that DOESN’T require me to have a work phone switched on 24/7! But I get bored easily so it also can’t be too brain-dead. I’ll have to find a balance somewhere.


Who I am and what I really want are things that have been swirling in the back of my mind for a while now. I’m not entirely sure what the answers are but I have a vague idea and I think I’m working towards them. I just need to be patient and give myself time.


Have you listened to the sessions from PBEvent 2013? How do you deal with being in a state of uncertainty?

2 Replies to “A Confession”

  1. I actually surprised myself last year by listening to all the PBEVENT sessions I wanted to pretty much straight away. Unusual for me – I must have been really pumped after PBEVENT!

    As for uncertainty – I don’t deal with it well usually … but it’s something I am trying to learn to embrace. Trying!

    1. The sessions I went to gave me a list pages long of ideas and things to do …maybe I just didn’t need to listen to more 🙂

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