Oh I like this topic for I Must Confess a lot. I think TV is given a bad name for no reason – if you relax that way, then go for it, baby!
Guilty TV Pleasures
Parents tell me that parent shaming is off the chartsĀ – especially with back to school, but I think that TV shaming is pretty much always there. TV is bad. TV is a waste of time.
But who doesn’t have guilty TV pleasures? I don’t like to talk about some TV shows online because I stay spoiler-free until I can buy the DVDs, so I’m omitting shows that fall into that category from this post.
Gilmore Girls
Ah…classic 2000s. I have all seasons on DVD. Because I will never give up my DVDs for streaming services. But a few of the discs won’t play and I don’t know why. There are no scratches or anything. They just don’t play any more in any DVD player.
Cutthroat Kitchen
I discovered this on one of the Aussie TV streaming apps. I’ve been having a love/hate affair with it ever since. I love how stupid and quirky the challenge things are. But the talking heads annoy the crap out of me – I really don’t need you to explain what you just did because I JUST SAW IT! Also, the amount of chefs that forget key ingredients is strange. But then again half hour blocks of randomly grabbing shit from the cupboard is kind of how I cook all the time, so maybe I just cook differently to others.
Non Guilty TV Pleasure
Well…that would be easy! Stargate (SG-1 & Atlantis), Firefly, 30 Rock… lots of great non guilty shows.
What’s your NON guilty TV pleasure show?
Linking up with I Must Confess & Mummy Mondays.
There are re-runs of Gilmore Girls on Gem. I’ve been watching. I find it simultaneously annoying and entertaining. I’m weird.
It kind of is, though!
I never feel guilty about watching the telly. If you get a chance to watch You, Me and the Apocalypse, do it, Ness. It’s brand new but has only ten episodes and it’s the best thing I’ve seen for ages.
Sounds interesting!
That’s disappointing about the Gilmore Girls dvds… I never got into it but watch a few episodes every now and then as they are currently showing it on Gem..or at least they were. Are the reunion rumours true?
I think so, yep. A 4 part series.
I do the whole Once Upon a Time after lunch thing because it is on t.v then. I used to watch quite a few shows pretty reguarly but have never been one to be devestated if I missed them (like my sister). It is like a book, following the story. These days I don’t get to watch anything much of what I would like to, Mr Sparky is mostly in charge of the remote in our house and I work 4 nights a week which turn out to be the ones where there actually is something on. I, like you it seems, tend to just buy the ones I want to watch on DVD later, like Downton Abby. I think T.V. is only ‘bad’ if it means nothing else gets done.
it’s always the way, the TV shows are on when you’re not there to watch them!
The Gilmore Girls just does NOTHING for me! I find it hideously annoying and boring! Why do they talk so fricking quickly?? But I’m obviously missing something as so many people love it! My recent favourites are OITNB and Law & Order SVU.
The older I get, the more annoying I find them, actually.
I’m currently in season 3 of Two guys and a girl (and a pizza place) from 1998!!! Currently keeping up to date with Grey’s Anatomy, Once Upon a Time and Big Bang Theory. Have the last season of Hannibal, then Suits, then Rizzoli and Isles to move onto. Going to catch up with Orphan Black after that…. Then castle…. Then bones… I’ve been out of touch for a little while.
Castle…yes I need to see that. I’ve never watched it. I’m two seasons behind in Bones and they’re both out on DVD so when conference tickets have gone away…that’s on my list!