Popular Internet Things I Find Meaningless
Disclaimer: qualitative researcher by training so I always find stats meaningless.
But in the internet context, having your downloads for a podcast, or unique views on a blog…. mean nothing to me. I don’t monetise by ‘traditional’ means such as sponsorships and it’s usually the sponsors who want those numbers. Don’t need a sponsor? Getting what you need to out of your blog/podcast/whatever? Then the numbers have no value.
Reviewing well is a skill. Leaving a review on the internet requires no skill, therefore I don’t care about reviews left on things I create. For every thoughtful positive review, someone can leave a negative review cos they’re hungry. It’s just meaningless.
Not the same as a review. Not useful to me as (for example) while it’s wonderful person a found your course amazing, I’d need to know their background, goals and a ton of variables that went into their success to know if them finding it useful has any relevance for me finding it useful.
Side rant: luck and privilege are variables in success and I am now just muting people or unfollowing them if they won’t acknowledge it. I’m sure there are privileges and lucks that I don’t know I have, but I know they must exist somewhere. I feel like some people just won’t acknowledge them at all and truly believe it’s 100% skill. Calling bullshit on that.