That’s how I feel right now. I’m waiting for autopilot. I’m 2.5 weeks into a new job. I want to speed past this part.
It sounds ungrateful. So many people don’t have job and yet I found one before my previous job ended. And now I want to be past the newbie stage.
Right now I’m working on that “be kind to yourself” stuff. It helps. Ugh. Stepping back and letting myself be tired, letting my brain be full, it does reduce pressure in my brain. Self induced pressure, but pressure.
But my boredom is seeping in. I want energy to be working on projects. I want to be back capturing and publishing thoughts.
It’s too early though. I’m still too tired after a day of work at a job and company I’m unfamiliar with.
It’s really hard to find a balance of being kind, being interested and doing your interests, and taking care of yourself.