As in this Kiki and tea post, finding your way of working for yourself is a huge task. I’m working part time at the moment and the grandest of plans as to what I would achieve with my four days “off” each week. I don’t like routines much. I hate being told I have […]
Where Does Your Creativity Pour From?

I’ve noticed that I do some of my best* work when sleep deprived. And when moving. I always have to drive so when I’m on a bus the road kind of lulls me into relaxation and the creativity pours out. (Noise cancelling headphones are a key part of this strategy so you don’t […]
Too Many Ideas

I get ideas all the time. And they always seem better than the ideas I’ve had before. I’m (slowly) learning to not just jump from one thing to another – especially as everything in life takes time. I came up with a great idea last night. The only problem is that it would […]