As in this Kiki and tea post, finding your way of working for yourself is a huge task. I’m working part time at the moment and the grandest of plans as to what I would achieve with my four days “off” each week.
I don’t like routines much. I hate being told I have to do something. That’s pretty much the best way to make me NOT do something.
And yet, we need them. We need time pressures.
I’ve written most of this post as well as two others, in a few minutes flat, in the middle of getting dressed to take Ben to the doctors (one of my fun “day off” jobs).
So how’s that for setting your own schedule? I don’t know how to balance it, to make a combination of pressure and relaxation that works for me
Having said that, if that balance was the only hassle in my life, that’s a pretty cool one to have, dialling up and down your business to give you time and inspiration to write.
It’s like that Big Bang episode where Sheldon needs to engage his superior colliculus in order to see the solution to a physics problem…other stimulation is needed to get perspective on how to solve something.
Or how to get an idea for a blog post.
Is it the scarcity principle? The same as diamonds? I have a lot of potential writing time right now and I’m not using it for writing.
But when I had less, I blogged just as much, if not more. Is it a lack of dedication?
How do you juggle writing under pressure and finding the time for it?